Wooden Gift Boxes
I go to breakfast with a couple buddies almost every week. We've been doing it for over 10 years. They've started giving Christmas gifts so I figured I should get with the program. My gift is very simple but it starts with a homemade box for each of them. This is a pretty standard box that I like to make and they're pretty easy. I'll make lids for them this year which will be fun.
I start by cutting a dado on one edge to take the bottom. Since I'm building a lid that'll fit over the top like a shoebox, I only cut one dado on the bottom. Then I cut the miters.
After cutting the bottom, I glue it all up with my handy strap clamp. I love this thing.
After the glue has cured for about an hour but before it's hard, I get in the corners with a chisel to take out the squeeze out. Works like a charm.
To make the tops, I built another box with both the top and bottom in place. I'll slice it apart on the table saw.
Here's how I slice open the box to create two tops. I used a window shim for the last cut to keep it as even as possible when I ran it over the blade. This helped a LOT to make the cut nice and even.
Here they are right before finishing.
And here they are in the middle of being finished. I had so many gifts to urethane this year that I got a headache.
I filled the cups with Champlain Chocolates and stuffed the boxes with red packing paper to add a festive touch.
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